Prof. Raghupathy Anchala

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Prof. Raghupathy Anchala

Professor, Dean Academics

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MBBS (AFMC, Pune);
Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases – DTCD (BJMC, University of Pune);
MPH with specialisation in infectious diseases and microbiology (GSPH, University of Pittsburgh, USA);
PhD in Public Health and Primary Care (Cambridge, UK)

Dr. Raghu is a Public Health and Primary Care expert and a Chest Physician with a passionate interest in teaching sound epidemiological concepts/methods and research methods to students. He has a proven track record in implementation and operational research. Adept in Program Management and establishing industry and academia collaborations, he has been instrumental in driving the MPH program and placement of numerous students pursuing MPH in various NGOs and CSR Foundations.

His current research revolves around multimorbid NCDs in urban slums and rural areas, cascade of care pathways for people suffering from hypertension and diabetes, clinical decision support systems for people suffering with NCDs at primary care level and operational /implementation research in Tuberculosis.

Areas of Expertise

Epidemiology, NCDs, primary care, implementation research, operations research, health system strengthening, clinical decision support systems for managing NCDs at primary care.

Areas of interest

Multimorbidity, implementation research, operations research, health system strengthening, clinical decision support systems

Awards and Honors

Emerging Leader, World Heart Federation - 2015
Recipient of Welcome Trust – PHFI PhD Research Fellowship and Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship, 2010 to 2013
Recipient of Future Faculty Fellowship and AITRP (AIDS International Training Program: Fogarty Fellowship) from PHFI and University of Pittsburgh respectively in 2007 and 2008 to pursue Masters in Public Health at Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH), University of Pittsburgh (USA).
“OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARD”, Masters level, 2008 – University of Pittsburgh, award given for academic excellence in MPH course based on GPA (3.99 out of 4), and practicum on ‘Comparison of bronchodilatory and reversibility effects of Salbutamol versus Ipratropium among varying severity scales of Bronchial Asthma and COPD’
Life Member Indian Chest Society and National College of Chest Physicians – India
Member – European Respiratory Society and European Society of Cardiology
Distinction in Biochemistry and Otorhinolaryngology during MBBS
University of Poona Topper in I MBBS


Current Research activities / Projects

Cascade of Care for Multimorbidity in urban slums of Pune Home based pulmonary rehabilitation in stable Interstitial Lund disease patients.

Teaching / Academic Involvement: Epidemiology basic and advanced modules, NCD and ID epidemiology, research methods

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