Gafurjiwala Seemabanu Mohmad Yusuf

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Gafurjiwala Seemabanu Mohmad Yusuf

E2E Research Fellow

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MPH, MPT(Cardio-pulmonary Physiotherapy)

I, Seemabanu M Gafurjiwala from Ahemdabad, Gujarat have basic training in Physiotherapy (MPT- Cardiopulmonary Disease) and had done MPH (IIPH-Hyderabad) with specialization in Biostatics and Data management. Work experience of 7 years in tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabad as Cardiac Physiotherapist and worked for 1.5 year in Maternal and Child health care project at Hyderabad. I have proficiency in English, Hindi and Gujarati languages. I involved in activities for public awareness and surveillance like “ Walk for Retinopathy of prematurity” on 18th November ,2018 and External monitor for WHO Pulse Polio programme from 19th to 22nd January,2020.

Areas of Expertise

Implementation Research, Operational Research, Data Analysis, Clinical Research

Areas of interest

Maternal and child health, Environmental Health


Chary JS, Gafurjiwala SM, Nagapurkar S, Kannuri NK, Shukla R, Singh S. Formative research on parenting practices and community support for early childhood development among caregivers in Telangana. Int J Community Med Public Heal. 2023;10(12):4911–9.
Gafurjiwala SM, Kumar Y, Nirupama AY. Assessment of district early intervention centres in India. Int J Community Med Public Heal. 2023;10(10):3938–40.
K A, RC D, SM G. A cross sectional study on seroprevalence of transfusion-transmitted infections among blood donors at tertiary care hospital. J Med Sci Res. 2023;11(4):359–62.
S S, P P, SM G, M P, Y K, AY N. COVID-19 associated mucormycosis at territory care hospital in South India - A retrospective study. J Med Sci Res. 2023;11(2):154–7.
Parvataneni N, Kumar KD, Gilkar IA, Paga U, Susmitha P, Chejerla M. Thyroid Lesion with Thrombus in Great Veins Points towards Particular Pathology - A Case Report and Review in Literature. 2023;6(2):45–8.
Gilkar IA, Nowreen F, Peer JA, Gilkar IA, Dogra V, Mushtaq U, et al. ClinicSearch Surgical Management Of Hydatid Cyst Of Liver-A Retrospective Observation Study Carried In A Tertiary Care Centre. 2023;1–5.
Sultan S, Kumar M, Kumar V, Dwivedi J, Madigubba S, Chowdary R. Advances in Biomarker Sciences and Technology Patient-derived primary culture-based prognostic model to predict tumor recurrence in patients with glioma. Adv Biomark Sci Technol [Internet]. 2024;6(January):8–19. Available from:

Current Research activities / Projects

KIMS Hospital Secunderabad Clinical research work

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