Dr. Suresh Babu Munuswamy

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Dr. Suresh Babu Munuswamy

Associate Professor (Consultant)

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MBBS(Madras), MPH(Oxford), PhD(Tokyo)

Dr. Suresh Babu Munuswamy, Associate Professor(Consultant)

Dr Suresh Munuswamy is a medical doctor, scientist and a start-up entrepreneur. He studied M.B.B.S in Chennai, M.P.H in Oxford and PhD in Tokyo. He was the first Indian to be selected for the Public Health Leadership Doctorate Program fully sponsored by the Government of Japan.

Presently he is Professor of Digital Public Health and the coordinator for India’s first integrated MSc and PhD Health Informatics program at IIPH- Hyderabad. Previously he was part of the team that started India’s first School of Public Health in a private university at SRM near Chennai.

He has 6 years of clinical experience, 7 years of public health experience and over 10 years of experience in design, development of comprehensive software, hardware and mobility platforms for delivering universal primary health care screening and treatment at home.

The platform developed by Dr.Suresh, named COMPREHENSIV, integrates several design and technology approaches, including graphic icons and AR for UI, wide spectrum images (within and beyond visual) for automated feature identification, artificial intelligence and language models for decision making, custom configured ground (two and four wheeler) and unmanned aerial vehicles/ drones for product supply chain. He has about 10 design and process patents to his credit and another 10 in pipeline.


Professor, Digital Public Health, Responsible Artificial Intelligence led Services, Devices and Mobility

Areas of Expertise

Digital Public Health, Responsible Artificial Intelligence led Services, Devices and Mobility, AR/VR/MR, UAV and Drones

Areas of interest

Comprehensive and Universal Primary Health Care at Home


Munuswamy S Digital Innovations for COVID 19 management: present applications, gaps and future strategies. Asia Pacific Tech Monitor; UN ESCAP Vol 37 No 3 Jul-Sep 2020
Sarda A, Munuswamy S, Sarda S, Subramanian V. Using Passive Smartphone Sensing for improved Risk Stratification of patients with Depression and Diabetes. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Preprints. 14/05/2018:11041
Dubey C, Raj S, Munuswamy S, Katta A, Chetty G. Semantic segmentation using deep neural networks in medicine- A survey. International Journal of Science and Engineering. 2018; Volume: 3, Issue: 4,Page No.: 39-48
Katta A, Krishna AKI, M B, Anegawa T, Munuswamy S. Progressive disability in elderly population among tribals of Telangana: a cross sectional study. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2017;16:104
Reddy, A., Naik, H. K. & Munuswamy, S. When, which and where of disease incidence in India: An IDSP analysis. International Journal of Advanced Biological Research. Vol 6(2) 2016

Current Research activities / Projects

The vision of COMPREHENSIV is to provide @ home universal primary health care to every person in India, thru a community based local Trained Health Care Personnel (THCP). COMPREHENSIV has three interlinked platform’s– the ENGAGEMENT platform, the MOBILITY platform, and the PENTA AI platform. Further information is available at https://hirapidlab.com/concept/COMPREHENSIV

Teaching / Academic Involvement

For MPH Program : Epidemiology, Environmental Health

Curriculum Vitae

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