Dr. Ng. Marina Devi

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Dr. Ng. Marina Devi

Research Associate

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Throughout my career, I’ve gained valuable experience in different areas of public health. Currently, I work as a Research Associate in the Advanced Collaboration for Early Childhood Development (ACEcD) pilot project- a partnership between UNICEF and the Indian Institute of Public Health in Hyderabad. Here, I am with a research team focused on helping early childhood development in two states in South India. My tasks include working with various stakeholders, training supervisors, and reviewing lots of information to guide our work. Before this, I was a Stratified Clinic Consultant with Jhpiego, where I helped screen people for diseases like COVID-19 and NCDs and worked on improving healthcare services at the facility. I also served as a Regional Manager at Karuna Trust India, managing the COVID-19 vaccination project in three remote tribal districts of Arunachal Pradesh and making sure everything ran smoothly with liaising and micro-planning. The experience in the tribal area has been tough to aware and mobilizes for vaccination. In my role as a Research Consultant with the Public Health Foundation of India, I did research on Comprehensive Cancer Care in Telangana. Before my journey began in public health I started my career as a Junior Research Fellow with Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy where I provided care for patients with skin conditions. In every role, I’ve been dedicated to making a positive impact on healthcare and addressing important health issues.

Areas of Expertise

Maternal and Child Health, Early Childhood Development, Non-communicable Diseases (Cancer, Stroke), Vaccination (COVID-19), Systematic Literature Review, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Areas of interest

Maternal and Child Health, Non-communicable and Communicable Diseases, Mental Health and Disability

Awards and Honors

Won 2nd position in the scientific paper presentation, titled “Implementation of Integrated Capacity Building for Community based ECD Intervention in Telangana”


“Projected cancer burden, challenges, and barriers to cancer prevention and control activities in the state of Telangana”; Hemant Mahajan, Neha Reddy, Ng. Marina Devi, Usha Rani Poli, M Jayaram, Shailaja Tetali, G. V. S. Murthy ,on behalf of the Telangana Cancer Control Study Group; Published: July 14, 2023 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0278357
2. Abhilash Patra, K. Nitin, Ng. Marina Devi, S Surya, Melissa Glenda Lewis, Sureshkumar Kamalakannan. “Prevalence of Depression among Stroke Survivors in India: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” Published date – 14th April 2021, Journal – Frontiers in Neurology and Neuroscience Research,DOI:10.51956/FNNR.100008,ArticleID:100008; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7611044/

Current Research activities / Projects

Working on systematic literature review titled “Prevalence of BRCA mutation in Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer women in India: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”

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