Dr. Somya Mullapudi

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Dr. Somya Mullapudi

Public Health – Consultant

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Dr. Somya Mullapudi is a medical doctor from Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad; MPH from California State University at Fullerton, USA and PhD from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka. In addition to receiving a couple of awards, she was featured on the “Future Leaders’ podcast” by the London International Development Centre (LIDC,UK) in 2022.

She was previously associated with the GCRF- Action Against Stunting Hub (AASH) Project at the ICMR- National Institute of Nutrition in the role of a Field Operations Manager.

Areas of Expertise

Tobacco Control | Health Research | Field Operations | Project Management | Public Health Nutrition | Research Analysis | Training and Supervision

Areas of interest

Her research areas of interest are Public Health, Health Promotion, Non-Communicable diseases, Nutrition and Tobacco Control.

Awards and Honors

SRNT- travel grant awardee, Oslo conference (2019).
Eta Sigma Gamma Honor awardee during Masters in Public Health (2010). Inducted into the Delta Rho Chapter.


Mullapudi S, et al. "Perceptions of novel warnings on tobacco packs..." Tobacco-Induced Diseases. 2023.
Mallya SD, Mullapudi S, et al. "Microbial Composition of Smokeless Tobacco Products..." Natl J Community Med 2022.
Mullapudi S, et al. "Awareness and utilisation of Quitline..." Indian J Community Health. 2021.
Kumar P, Kamath A, et al. "Beedi rollers' perception..." Indian J Community Med 2021.
Bhagawath R, Kulkarni M, et al. "Quantifying Audio Visual Alcohol Imagery..." BMJ Open. 2021.
Eshwari K, Kulkarni MM, et al. "Ban on Sale of Loose Cigarettes..." Indian J Comm Health. 2020.
Somya Mullapudi et al. "Regulatory Compliance of Health Warnings..." Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2020.
Mullapudi S. et al. "A pilot study to assess compliance..." Tob. Induc. Dis. 2019.
Mullapudi S., et al. "Factors linked to Energy Conservation Practices..." Indian Journal of Energy. 2014.

Current Research activities / Projects

She is currently working as a Consultant in the “Comprehensive study on strengthening the Public Health Management Cadres at the PHC-level, Divisional-level, and District-level in Andhra Pradesh, India” at the IIPH-Hyderabad.

Teaching / Academic Involvement

Delivered a Community Health Science lecture as an alumnus guest at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Public School (2012).
Delivered a virtual lecture to the students of Manipal Academy of Higher Education, on “Tobacco free environment in educational institutions” (2022).

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