Malla Sai Sreeharshita

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Malla Sai Sreeharshita

E2E Research Fellow

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Masters of Public Health

She is a Nutritionist trained in public health. Driven towards community health and well-being, she acquired the knowledge of public health and skills of conducting operational research; considering prevailing gaps and social norms. Therefore is working towards evidence generation in a clinical setting for better policy implications.

Areas of Expertise

Maternal and Child Health, Early Childhood development, Nutrition, Infectious diseases, Critical Care research, Research methodology, Biostatistics and data management, Quantitative and Qualitative research.

Areas of interest

Maternal and Child Health, Infectious diseases, Oncology, Non-Communicable diseases.


1 published, 1 accepted

Current Research activities / Projects

  • Evaluation of scoring systems in critical care units, Hyderabad
  • Antimicrobial Prescription patterns in a tertiary care hospital: A retrospective cohort study
  • Efficient antibiotics in treatment of CRE infections
  • A Case Report on ECT for Supra Refractory Status Epilepticus in Pregnancy (P-NORSE)
  • Airbag ARDS: Prone Ventilation & Pulse Steroids leading to clinical recovery
  • Kinetic GFR in AKI in ICU (KIA) study

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