Prof. Rajan Shukla
(Public Health Practice and Community Engagement)
Twitter ID
Rajan4healthSys handle @rajan4HealthSys
Prof. Shukla has over 30 years of experience, starting from emergency clinical care, health program management, teaching and training, Health Program evaluation, Health system strengthening, public health research, Public Health surveillance, designing and implementing integrated health programs for strengthening health systems.
He is a medical professional turned public health specialist, dedicated towards empowering communities and health systems in adopting new scientific evidence to local context, using local resources to address the public health challenges, improve population health outcomes and promote social development. Health is both and input and outcome of development and hence needs to be addressed as the main determinant of social development. He works on reducing inequities by empowering marginalized communities to access high quality health care services and providing supportive environment to practice healthy behaviour as a means to promote sustainable social development.
Areas of Expertise
Maternal and Child Health, Eye Health, Public health surveillance, Health system, Project Management, Monitoring Evaluation and Learning, Health policy, Health insurance Health Economics.
Areas of interest
Health system strengthening, Maternal and Child Health including nutrition, Eye Health, Public Health surveillance, emergency preparedness, Program Evaluation, Health program designing and implementation.
Over 30 publications
Current Research activities / Projects
ECD, Cancer Screening, public health management cadre strengthening, IHR 2005 implementation monitoring strengthening in SEARO region.
Teaching / Academic Involvement
Health Policy and program Management, Health Economics, Health Systems, MCH, Public Health surveillance.